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Sustainability of the Mitsubishi Estate Group and Society: Four Key Theme

Review Process for Key Themes

Review Process for Key Themes

Sustainability of the Mitsubishi Estate Group and Society:
Four Key Themes

Review Process for Key Themes

In 2020, the Mitsubishi Estate Group established four key themes related to sustainability on which to concentrate its efforts as a strategic driver for increasing social value under the Long-Term Management Plan 2030 and has since been pursuing initiatives.

In light of the changes in the natural and social environment surrounding Mitsubishi Estate, a revision of material issues and the key themes was conducted between July 2023 and February 2024 using the backcasting method with the aim of clarifying their relationship with business activities.

Step1Sorting Out Social Issues

We identified social issues that are deeply related to the Group with reference to the following:

  • Sustainability information disclosure guidelines (GRI Standards, SASB)
  • ESG evaluations (FTSE, DJSI, MSCI, CDP)
  • SDGs
  • Global megatrends
  • The Group’s mission, codes of conduct, long-term vision, long-term management plan, etc.

Step2Conducting Stakeholder Surveys

We exchanged opinions concerning the direction for the review of the key themes with representatives from different sections within the Group along with more than 60 external stakeholders in total. External stakeholders inquired about the relationship between the Group’s growth strategy and the ESG measures, and how they support the core business. Stakeholders within the Group provided opinions on emphasizing affinity between the company’s business and the ESG measures, especially on visualization of the value provided to society through real estate development and management, which is the core business.

Step3Mapping Out Social Issues

Based on Step 1 and Step 2, we identified the social issues with a deep relationship to Mitsubishi Estate and mapped and prioritized them along the two axes of “impact on the society surrounding the Group” and “impact on the Group’s growth” to identify items assessed as having a particularly large impact on each axis as material issues.

Mitsubishi Estate Group’s Material Issue Matrix

Mitsubishi Estate Group’s Material Issue Matrix

Step4Identifying Four Key Themes

The material issues identified in Step 3 are grouped for similar items and organized into four groups: urban development and services, the global environment, respect for people, and value creation, and based on the result, “Sustainability of the Mitsubishi Estate Group and Society: Four Key Themes” were established.

  • Equity added to the existing diversity and inclusion
  • Encompasses issues including child labor, forced labor, harassment, discrimination, rights of indigenous people

Step5Verifying the Applicability

Management evaluated the applicability of the key themes and material issues after deliberations by the Sustainability Committee and the Board of Directors. The Group will continue to regularly evaluate the impact of its business operations on society based on the key themes and material issues for each theme and implement initiatives based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle.

Background to Definition of Key Themes

Sustainability of the Mitsubishi Estate Group and Society:
Four Key Themes

DFF Inc.