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Sustainability Activities (ESG)

Occupational Health and Safety / Health Management

Occupational Health and Safety>Policy on Occupational Health and Safety


Occupational Health and Safety / Health Management

Occupational Health and Safety

Policy on Occupational Health and Safety

Beyond complying with the Labor Standards Act and other labor-related laws and regulations, the Mitsubishi Estate Group proactively takes various steps to maintain and promote the health of all its employees and ensure their safety.

Mitsubishi Estate has established the "Health Management Declaration" based on the belief that employees being healthy, both physically and mentally, and maximum performance are the source of corporate vitality. Under the Health Management Plan 2030, multiple KPIs* have been set and performance is monitored annually to ensure continuous improvement.

In addition, with regard to the working environment, including occupational health and safety, we consult with the labor union and implement improvement measures and initiatives to create a comfortable environment for our employees.

Mitsubishi Estate Home Co., Ltd. conducts risk assessment regarding occupational health and safety for new and existing projects during formulation of its annual health and safety management plan and during hazard prediction activities on construction sites. The company implements safety measures on construction sites after identifying risks arising from the work and analyzing the possibility of occurrence and degree of impact.

The Mitsubishi Estate Group's Supplier Code of Conduct also includes items related to "Occupational Health and Safety" and requires compliance with the following items: "Compliance with laws and regulations related to occupational health and safety," "Occupational safety," "Occupational injury and illnesses," "Sanitation, food, and housing," and "Health and safety communication.” We believe it is important for our suppliers to have a workplace that guarantees occupational health and safety, and we communicate with suppliers through self-assessment questionnaire and audit.

  • Percentage of high-risk group for metabolic syndrome (aged 40 or older*): 14.8%by FY2030
    Percentage of individuals whose results of their regular health checkup for all of the categories affecting the determination on lifestyle diseases were within normal levels (aged 40 or older*):32.8% FY2030
    Cancer screening rate: 90% (every year from FY2021 - FY2030)
    Maintain percentage of high stress group: 10% or lower (national average: 10%) (every year from FY2021 - FY2030)

Management Structure for Occupational Health and Safety

Mitsubishi Estate holds a monthly Health Committee meeting chaired by the head of the Human Resources Department and industrial physicians, persons in charge of health and safety from the Human Resources Department, and a representative of the labor union attend. In this meeting, the number of occupational accidents, overtime work, and other items of high risk to the Company are reported.

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Primary Initiatives>Participating in External Groups

Primary Initiatives

Participating in External Groups

To respond appropriately to the demands of society and employees, the Group proactively participates in workshops, conferences, and initiatives on labor standards and will continue to improve its efforts by incorporating outside knowledge.

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Response to Industrial Accidents

Response to Industrial Accidents

In cases of accidents or incidents leading to injuries or fatalities, we identify the cause(s) through such means as interviews and surveys of the employees involved and strive to prevent recurrence by considering and promoting improvement measures.

See ESG data for number of industrial accidents.

ESG Data > Social Data

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Preventing Excessive Work

Preventing Excessive Work

The Mitsubishi Estate Group strives to comply with local laws regarding working hours and overtime in each country where it conducts business. The Group has also taken various initiatives to reduce excessive working hours.

Mitsubishi Estate has introduced a work management system that is linked with computer log-on/off times so that supervisors can follow employees' work conditions. Supervisors also meet one-on-one with their subordinates to discuss workload and task difficulty so they can understand conditions that may impact their health. Any employee, including those in managerial positions, who works more than 80 hours of overtime in a month is encouraged to have a checkup with an occupational physician. This is a part of Mitsubishi Estate's commitment to helping employees manage their health.

In order to promote work-life balance, the company adopted a flex-time schedule for all employees in fiscal 2016 and implemented initiatives such as the "positive off movement" to help employees make plans to take days off and encourage them to take paid leave. In fiscal 2017, the company introduced an hourly paid leave program and a tele-working program. The company is also making efforts to create a healthy and innovative working environment led by the B×S Promotion Committee, an organization under the direct supervision of the President established in the same year.

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Managing Employee Health through Medical Examinations

Managing Employee Health through Medical Examinations

Mitsubishi Estate carries out a scheduled medical examination once a year for all employees to help them maintain and improve their health. In 2016, the company added electrocardiographs and stomach ultrasounds (for persons 35 and older) to further improve detection of lifestyle diseases. We also take the time to provide follow-up examinations, urgent examinations and meetings with occupational physicians depending on the results of the medical examinations. To improve the screening rate, individual notices with information about medical examinations are sent to people who miss their examinations.

Training and Education on Health and Safety

At Mitsubishi Estate, all new managers are required to take mental health training. This training aims to deepen understanding of mental health and improve occupational health and safety within the organization by providing knowledge required for managers on managing members with regard to these issues, such as ((1) prevention, (2) how to respond to employees with mental health issues when they occur, (3) how to engage with employees returning to the workplace who had mental health issues, (4) workplace improvement measures, etc.).

Conducting Stress Check Tests

Mitsubishi Estate conducts stress checks once a year for all employees. The Human Resources Department analyzes the results for the entire organization and each department, and the Human Resources Department provides feedback to the managers of each department. And they have discussions regarding health issues that each department has and occupational health and safety.

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Health Management>Policy on Health Management

Health Management

Policy on Health Management

Mitsubishi Estate advocates health management, in which it considers employee health from a management perspective and works on it strategically. Based on this perspective, Mitsubishi Estate established the Health Management Declaration in October 2016 to systematize initiatives and plans the company and the health insurance union has carried out thus far, articulate the top management's commitment, and ensure further improvements in maintaining and improving employee health.

Mitsubishi Estate Health Management Declaration

Mitsubishi Estate believes that the source of corporate vitality is maximizing employee performance through both mental and physical health.

With the aim of creating a vibrant workplace advocated in the Mitsubishi Estate Group Code of Conduct, the company will further develop the activities to maintain and improve employee health that it has worked on thus far and continue to promote health as we work together with the health insurance union, the Mitsubishi Estate Labor Union, employees and their families.

In addition, based on the Mission of the Mitsubishi Estate Group to contribute to society through urban development, we will continue contributing to the society at large by supporting health promotion for the people who live, work and relax in the communities.

Promotion Structure for Health Management

The director in charge of human resources has been appointed as the "Health Management Promotion Officer," and the company, employees, and health insurance association are working together to promote health management. In addition, the company has agreements on health and safety in the labor agreement, and strives to ensure the health and safety of employees through health checkups and safety-related education.

Promotion Structure for Health Management
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Health Management 2030

Health Management 2030

Complementing the ESG initiatives in the Long-Term Management Plan 2030, and after reanalyzing the findings of the fiscal 2020 health checkups, Mitsubishi Estate has formulated Health Management 2030, a set of health-related KPIs, and is working to achieve improvements in employees' health.

See the following for results of the KPIs.

ESG Data > S: Social data > (1) KPI > Health Management

Health Management 2030 KPIs

  KPI 2025 targets 2030 targets
Lifestyle diseases

Percentage of high-risk group for metabolic syndrome
(aged 40 or older*)

*Percentage of individuals whose results of their regular health checkup for any of the categories affecting the determination of lifestyle diseases reached or exceeded the level at which medical attention is recommended

25.6% 14.8%
(equivalent to national average; approximately 60% of FY2019 percentage)

Percentage of healthy group
(aged 40 or older*)

*Percentage of individuals whose results of their regular health checkup for all of the categories affecting the determination on lifestyle diseases were within normal levels

20.85% 32.8%
(equivalent to national average; approximately 370% of FY2019 percentage)
Malignant growths (cancer) Cancer screening rate Cancer screening rate: 90%
(every year from FY2021 - FY2030)
Mental health High stress group Maintain percentage of high stress group at 10% or lower
(national average: 10%) (every year from FY2021 – FY2030)

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Primary Initiatives>Initiatives on Employee Health Promotion

Primary Initiatives

Initiatives on Employee Health Promotion

Beginning in fiscal 2017 a subsidy program was set up for health-promoting programs (sports activities, checkups not covered by health insurance, etc.) for employees with the “Cafeteria Plan.”*1

It also strives to raise employees' awareness of health by holding health-related in-house exercise events and seminars, including a physical improvement competition.*2

  • This program enables employees to use points allotted to them to choose programs from a menu set by the company (sports activities, checkups not covered by health insurance, etc.).
  • Five-member teams representing each department compete for rankings, with changes in fat and muscle mass and number of steps taken over the last two months converted into points.
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Initiatives on Health Issues (Lifestyle Diseases, Cancer, and Mental Health)

Initiatives on Health Issues (Lifestyle Diseases, Cancer, and Mental Health)

Lifestyle Diseases
  • Mitsubishi Estate analyzes health screening results and in collaboration with the health insurance union provides measures for employees at risk of lifestyle diseases (programs designed to prevent more severe disease*1) and encourages individual participation in specific health guidance to improve overall participation.
  • In addition to making mandatory the screening for the five cancers recommended for screening in Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare guidelines according to employees' age, Mitsubishi Estate has established a system to subsidize the cost of screening for other cancers with the aim of early detection and early treatment.
Mental Health
  • In order to strengthen the consultation system from the perspective of improving mental health, Mitsubishi Estate has included psychiatrists as occupational physicians.
  • Since fiscal 2016, Mitsubishi Estate has expanded systems for absence and leave due to injury and illness and established a return to work support program for employees with mental illness that have required a long-term absence or leave.
  • In addition to providing mental health training for newly hired employees and newly appointed managers by advising physicians, Mitsubishi Estate implements regular education on mental health for managers, including e-learning.
  • Programs designed to prevent more severe disease: lifestyle improvement and guidance programs provided by medical institutions

Please see the following for the Mitsubishi Estate Health Management Strategy Map

Mitsubishi Estate Health Management Strategy Map (PDF 75KB)PDF

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Winning Recognition under the Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program

Winning Recognition under the Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program

Mitsubishi Estate has been recognized as an outstanding organization in health management under the Certified Health & Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program run by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Nippon Kenko Kaigi.

See the following for the latest information on the certification.

External Evaluations of ESG Performance

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Addressing Infectious Diseases and Other Global Health Issues

Addressing Infectious Diseases and Other Global Health Issues

The Mitsubishi Estate Group regards health problems due to infectious diseases such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic as well as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria as a global issue. In order to protect employees from these kind of health problems, the Group instructs expatriate employees and their accompanying family members to receive the vaccinations recommended by government quarantine stations for each destination prior to travel. In the location of an overseas posting, we also provide medical consultation services, which include hospital arrangements, and ensure to make clean, safe, serviced apartments and condominiums available. Through these activities, we provide support for employees and their families to live overseas in good health and safety.

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