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Sustainability Activities (ESG)

Tax Transparency

Policy on Tax Transparency


Tax Transparency

Policy on Tax Transparency

The Mitsubishi Estate Group states that it will engage in fair and transparent corporate activities in the Mitsubishi Estate Group Code of Conduct and the Mitsubishi Estate Group Guidelines for Conduct, and considers it is important to act in compliance with corporate ethics and internal rules, beyond merely complying with legal requirements. Based on this concept, the Mitsubishi Estate Group complies with the matters listed below and engages in appropriate, fair, and highly transparent tax practices.

1. Compliance with tax laws and conformity with international standards

Each Mitsubishi Estate Group company complies with laws, regulations, and rules related to tax in each country where they engage in business activities as well as implementing tax practices in conformity with standards and guidelines published by international organizations (e.g., OECD, EU, the United Nations). Each Group company also ensures that it will file and pay taxes by the deadline stipulated in each country.

2. Sound relationships with tax authorities

The Mitsubishi Estate Group maintains sound and normal relationships with tax authorities and does not provide unjustified benefits.

3. Implementation of appropriate tax treatments

The Mitsubishi Estate Group responds appropriately to changes in the tax system and tax administration in each country to ensure appropriate tax treatments and strives to ensure that an appropriate amount of tax is paid while also considering the use of tax incentives within the scope of normal business activities.

4. Prevention of unfair tax avoidance measures

The Mitsubishi Estate Group does not engage in unfair tax avoidance measures, such as use of tax havens for the purpose of tax avoidance.

5. Transfer pricing

In its transactions with foreign parties, the Mitsubishi Estate Group takes into consideration the arm's length price (ALP) and appropriately distributes profits based on the functions, assets, and risks of each subsidiary in each country.

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Governance System

Governance System

In order to ensure appropriate and fair financial reporting in accordance with the policy set out above, the Mitsubishi Estate Group has formulated and operates the Mitsubishi Estate Group Basic Guidelines on Internal Control Regarding Financial Reporting (Basic Rules) based on the Basic Policy of Establishment of the Internal Control System (resolution of the Board of Directors). These guidelines stipulate the following roles and responsibilities for financial reporting.

Roles and responsibilities stipulated in the guidelines

  • Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. Representative Corporate Executive Officer, President & Chief Executive Officer ("the President")
    • Establishes and operates internal control system in order to ensure reliability of financial reporting at the Mitsubishi Estate Group.
  • Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. Board of Directors
    • Supervises establishment and operation of internal control system related to Mitsubishi Estate Group financial reporting by the President.
  • Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. Audit Committee
    • Monitors and verifies the establishment and operation of internal control system related to Mitsubishi Estate Group financial reporting by the Board of Directors and the President.
  • Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. Internal Audit Department
    • Evaluates status of establishment and operation of internal control system related to Mitsubishi Estate Group financial reporting and promotes improvements as necessary.

For Audit Committee audits, the Committee receives reports on the audit plan, audit implementation system, and audit results from the Independent Auditor and the Internal Audit Department, and reports on the status of settlement of accounts at the end of quarterly and annual financial periods from the Finance & Accounting Department. The Audit Committee reports the results of Audit Committee audits to the Board of Directors.

In addition, the evaluations of the status of establishment and operation of the internal control system related to Mitsubishi Estate Group financial accounting conducted by the Internal Audit Department assess the effectiveness of the internal control system related to financial reporting with a focus on the tax calculation processes and other business processes that result in highly significant account items. This is reported to the Board of Directors by the President.

The substance of financial reporting (the consolidated financial statements) is audited by the Independent Auditor, and audit reports are received as follows.

Consolidated Financial Statements (PDF 11.2MB)PDF

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Disclosure of Tax Payments

Disclosure of Tax Payments

Click here for the Mitsubishi Estate Group's tax payment record.

ESG Data > G: Governance data > (2) Other

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