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Sustainability Management

Guiding Principles and Basic Approach

Guiding Principles and Basic Approach


Guiding Principles and Basic Approach

Our Approach to Sustainability

Based on The Spirit of Mitsubishi: The Three Principles of the Mitsubishi Group, the Mission states, “By building attractive, environmentally sound communities where people can live, work and relax with contentment, we contribute to creating a truly meaningful society.” The Group’s approach to sustainability consists of realizing sustainability for both the Mitsubishi Estate Group and society by continuing to provide things with value for the next generation through the promotion of responsible business based on this Mission.


The Spirit of Mitsubishi: The Three Principles/Mission/
Code of Conduct/Guidelines for Conduct

The Spirit of Mitsubishi: The Three Principles

Shoki Hoko所期奉公Corporate Responsibility to Society

Strive to enrich society, both materially and spiritually, while contributing towards the preservation of the global environment.

Shoji Komei処事光明Integrity and Fairness

Maintain principles of transparency and openness, conducting business with integrity and fairness.

Ritsugyo Boeki立業貿易Global Understanding through Business

Expand business, based on an all-encompassing global perspective.

The Mitsubishi Estate Group has steadily implemented efforts aimed at achieving the Mission of Mitsubishi Estate Group. In addition, we have established the Mitsubishi Estate Group Code of Conduct to be practiced in implementing the Group Mission. Further, we have implemented the Mitsubishi Estate Group Guidelines for Conduct, which sets out the specific standards of conduct in order to realize "who we aspire to be, what we are expected of, and what we should do in order to achieve these aspirations," as established in the Code of Conduct. We periodically assess the expectations of global society and social trends and review the effectiveness of the Code of Conduct as necessary. Going forward, we will continue to put into practice the substance of the Code of Conduct and the Guidelines for Conduct with the aim of "creating a truly meaningful society through urban development" as set out in the Group Mission.

The Mission of Mitsubishi Estate Group

We contribute to society through urban development.

By building attractive, environmentally sound communities where people can live, work and relax with contentment, we contribute to creating a truly meaningful society.

The Mitsubishi Estate Group Code of Conduct

In order to carry out the Group Mission,
we pledge to observe the following Code of Conduct.
  • 1.We will act with integrity.

    We will base our conduct on laws and ethics and always reflect with humility upon our behavior, valuing our communication with society and placing priority in our corporate activities on earning trust through fairness and transparency.

  • 2.We will strive to earn the trust of our clients.

    We will approach all objectives from our clients' point of view, providing safe and reliable products and services, and make information available as appropriate.

  • 3.We will strive to create a vibrant workplace.

    While aiming at personal growth, we will respect the human rights and the diversity of opinion of others and increase our creativity and professionalism, while displaying our collective strengths as a team.

Mitsubishi Estate Group Guidelines for Conduct
(Revised April 2018)

Details regarding the Mitsubishi Estate Group Guidelines for Conduct are available here.Open new window

Formulated: December 1, 1997/Revised: August 1, 2002, January 1, 2006, and April 1, 2018

Mitsubishi Estate Group Sustainability Vision

The Mitsubishi Estate Group has established Sustainability Vision 2050.

Mitsubishi Estate Group Sustainability Vision
- Be the Ecosystem Engineers -

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