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Sustainability of the Mitsubishi Estate Group and Society: Four Key Theme

Background to Definition of Key Themes

Background to Definition of Key Themes

Sustainability of the Mitsubishi Estate Group and Society:
Four Key Themes

Background to Definition of Key Themes

In 2024, the Mitsubishi Estate Group revised its key themes and material issues related to sustainability in light of changes in the natural and social environment surrounding the Group and the increasingly complex sustainability-related demands on companies.

Under its Long-Term Management Plan 2030, the Mitsubishi Estate Group is committed to management focused on strategies for increasing both social and shareholder values. Returning to the fundamental characteristics of its business, the Group believes that the only way for it to develop sustainably into the future and continue returning value to its stakeholders is to pursue a responsible business with an eye on the next generation 50-100 years from now. Based on this belief, in February 2024, the Group established “three responsibilities” for providing social infrastructure for the next generation, which serve as a bridge uniting the two strategies.

At the same time, the Group reviewed the positioning of the key themes related to sustainability, which have functioned as the focus for the provision of value to society to date, and redefined them as “actions for realizing the sustainability of both the Group and society.” Mitsubishi Estate will accelerate initiatives aimed at solving social issues through the business activities of the entire Group with the aim of establishing the sustainability of its business activities as a company needed by the next generation while creating a truly meaningful society which is the Mission of the Mitsubishi Estate Group.

Two-strategic-driver framework

Two-strategic-driver framework
  • We aspire to be a corporate group (=engineers) that provides spaces and infrastructure (=ecosystems) where all actors (individuals, corporations, and more) are able to coexist sustainably and thrive together—economically, environmentally, and socially. (Announced February 5, 2020)

Sustainability of the Mitsubishi Estate Group and Society: Four Key Themes

Sustainability of the Mitsubishi Estate Group and Society: Four Key Themes

Review Process for Key Themes

Sustainability of the Mitsubishi Estate Group and Society
Four Key Themes

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